Generate The Documentation

This project uses sphinx in order to generate it’s documentation & hosts them on Github Pages. There are a few steps for generating & hosting documentation.

Automatic generation of documentation

At first you should verify that you are using the splendor environment & the package is installed.

conda activate splendor
splendor --version

If not installed please refer to the installation page.

Afterwards you should execute the following commands:

# from docs/
make clean

# move to the repo top directory
cd ..
sphinx-apidoc --output-dir docs/source/ src/splendor --force
sphinx-build docs/source/ docs/_build/html

And now your documentation is built! You can inspect it as follows:

firefox docs/_build/html/index.html

Publishing the Documentation to Github Pages

Now since you’ve used the make clean command, the directory docs/_build/html was automatically added to git worktree for the branch gh-pages which is the default branch Github <> uses for the pages feature. All that is left to do is as follows:

cd docs/_build/html

Now you need to verify that your working on gh-pages branch, this can be validated as follows:

# from docs/_build/html
git branch

After this verification we can add all the new documentation.

# from docs/_build/html
git add -A .
git commit -sm "update documentation"
git push origin gh-pages

And Your’e Done!