from splendor.Splendor.features import METRICS_SHAPE, build_array
import numpy as np
class Gene:
A generic gene representation class.
SHAPE = None
def __init__(self, dna: np.array):
assert dna.shape == self.SHAPE, "Given DNA has the wrong shape"
self._dna = dna
self._prepared_dna = None
def dna(self):
We want some metrics to have the same weight (in places the is no
meaning to the order). This methods returns a dna which matches in
dimentions to the metrics we get in practice by repeting some value
multiple time (according to the instructions of `METRICS_SHAPE`).
if self._prepared_dna is None:
self._prepared_dna = build_array(self._dna, METRICS_SHAPE)
return self._prepared_dna
def random(cls):
Initiate a gene with random DNA.
return cls(np.random.uniform(cls.LOWER_BOUND, cls.UPPER_BOUND, cls.SHAPE))
def load(cls, path_or_file):
Initiate a gene with DNA from a saved file.
return cls(np.load(path_or_file))
def save(self, path_or_file):
Saves a gene's DNA to a file.
""", self._dna)
def mutate(self, mutate_rate: float, mutator):
Mutates a gene's DNA (in place).
Should be the only thing that edits the DNA of an existing gene.
for pos in np.ndindex(self.SHAPE):
if np.random.rand() < mutate_rate:
self._dna[pos] = mutator(self._dna[pos])
self._prepared_dna = None
class StrategyGene(Gene):
Represent a gene that helps to choose an action each turn.
def evaluate_state(self, state_metrics):
Evaluates a state's value according to its metrics
return np.matmul(state_metrics, self.dna)
class ManagerGene(Gene):
Represent a gene that helps to choose a strategy to follow (from 3 options)
def select_strategy(
self, state_metrics, strategies: tuple[StrategyGene]
) -> StrategyGene:
output = np.matmul(state_metrics, self.dna)
assert len(output) == len(strategies), f"Mismatching lengths ({output.shape})"
index = max(range(len(output)), key=lambda i: output[i])
# with open("shit.txt", 'a') as f:
# print(index, file=f)
return strategies[index]