Source code for

from typing import Tuple, List, Union

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import torch.distributions as distributions
import numpy as np

from jaxtyping import Float

from splendor.agents.our_agents.ppo.input_norm import InputNormalization
from splendor.agents.our_agents.ppo.ppo_base import PPOBase

from .constants import (

[docs] class PPOSelfAttention(PPOBase): def __init__( self, input_dim: int, output_dim: int, hidden_layers_dims: List[int] = HIDDEN_DIMS, dropout: float = DROPOUT, ): super().__init__(input_dim, output_dim) self.hidden_layers_dims = hidden_layers_dims self.dropout = dropout self.input_norm = InputNormalization(input_dim) # In self-attention the embedding dimention is equal to the quary & key dimentions. # 1 is for using a single-headed attention. self.self_attention = nn.MultiheadAttention(input_dim, 1, dropout=dropout) layers = [] prev_dim = input_dim for next_dim in hidden_layers_dims: layers.append(nn.Linear(prev_dim, next_dim)) layers.append(nn.LayerNorm(next_dim)) layers.append(nn.Dropout(dropout)) layers.append(nn.ReLU()) prev_dim = next_dim = nn.Sequential(*layers) = nn.Linear(hidden_layers_dims[-1], output_dim) self.critic = nn.Linear(hidden_layers_dims[-1], 1) # Initialize weights (recursively) self.apply(self._init_weights) def _init_weights(self, module): """ Orthogonal initialization of the weights as suggested by (bullet #2): """ if isinstance(module, nn.Linear): nn.init.orthogonal_(module.weight, gain=np.sqrt(2))
[docs] def forward( self, x: Union[ Float[torch.Tensor, "batch sequence features"], Float[torch.Tensor, "batch features"], Float[torch.Tensor, "features"], ], action_mask: Union[ Float[torch.Tensor, "batch actions"], Float[torch.Tensor, "actions"] ], *args, **kwargs, ) -> Tuple[ Float[torch.Tensor, "batch actions"], Float[torch.Tensor, "batch 1"], ]: """ Pass input through the network to gain predictions. :param x: the input to the network. expected shape: one of the following: (features,) or (batch_size, features) or (batch_size, sequance_length, features). :param action_mask: a binary masking tensor, 1's signals a valid action and 0's signals an invalid action. expected shape: (actions,) or (batch_size, actions). where actions are equal to len(ALL_ACTIONS) which comes from Engine.Splendor.gym.envs.actions :param hidden_state: hidden state of the recurrent unit. expected shape: (batch_size, num_layers, hidden_state_dim) or (num_layers, hidden_state_dim). :return: the actions probabilities and the value estimate. """ x_normalized = self.input_norm(x) x_embeding, _ = self.self_attention(x_normalized, x_normalized, x_normalized) x1 = actor_output = masked_actor_output = torch.where(action_mask == 0, HUGE_NEG, actor_output) prob = F.softmax(masked_actor_output, dim=1) return prob, self.critic(x1)
[docs] def init_hidden_state(self) -> None: """ return the initial hidden state to be used. """ return None