Source code for

# INFORMATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

# Author:  Steven Spratley, extending code by Guang Ho and Michelle Blom
# Date:    04/01/2021
# Purpose: Implements a Game class to run implemented games for this framework.

# IMPORTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#

import random, copy, time
from .template import GameState
from func_timeout import func_timeout, FunctionTimedOut
from .template import Agent as DummyAgent

# CONSTANTS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#

FREEDOM = True  # Whether or not to penalise agents for incorrect moves and
# timeouts. Useful for debugging.
WARMUP = 15  # Warmup period (time given to each agent on their first turn).

# CLASS DEF ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#

[docs] class Game: def __init__( self, GameRule, agent_list, num_of_agent, seed=1, time_limit=1, warning_limit=3, displayer=None, agents_namelist=["Alice", "Bob"], interactive=False, ): self.seed = seed random.seed(self.seed) self.seed_list = [random.randint(0, int(1e10)) for _ in range(1000)] self.seed_idx = 0 # Make sure we are forming a valid game, and that agent # id's range from 0 to N-1, where N is the number of agents. # assert(len(agent_list) <= 4) # assert(len(agent_list) > 1) i = 0 for plyr in agent_list: assert == i i += 1 self.game_rule = GameRule(num_of_agent) self.gamemaster = DummyAgent( num_of_agent ) # GM/template agent used by some games (e.g. Azul, for signalling rounds). # need to handle the same without needed a validAction function # self.valid_action = self.game_rule.validAction if hasattr(type(self.game_rule), "validAction") and callable( self.game_rule.validAction ): self.valid_action = self.game_rule.validAction else: self.valid_action = None self.agents = agent_list self.agents_namelist = agents_namelist self.time_limit = time_limit self.warning_limit = warning_limit self.warnings = [0] * len(agent_list) self.warning_positions = [] self.displayer = displayer if self.displayer is not None: self.displayer.InitDisplayer(self) self.interactive = interactive def _EndGame(self, num_of_agent, history, isTimeOut=True, id=None): history.update( { "seed": self.seed, "num_of_agent": num_of_agent, "agents_namelist": self.agents_namelist, "warning_positions": self.warning_positions, "warning_limit": self.warning_limit, } ) history["scores"] = {i: 0 for i in range(num_of_agent)} if isTimeOut: history["scores"][id] = -1 else: for i in range(num_of_agent): history["scores"].update( {i: self.game_rule.calScore(self.game_rule.current_game_state, i)} ) if self.displayer is not None: self.displayer.EndGame(self.game_rule.current_game_state, history["scores"]) return history
[docs] def Run(self): history = {"actions": []} action_counter = 0 while not self.game_rule.gameEnds(): agent_index = self.game_rule.getCurrentAgentIndex() agent = ( self.agents[agent_index] if agent_index < len(self.agents) else self.gamemaster ) game_state = self.game_rule.current_game_state game_state.agent_to_move = agent_index actions = self.game_rule.getLegalActions(game_state, agent_index) actions_copy = copy.deepcopy(actions) gs_copy = copy.deepcopy(game_state) # Delete all specified attributes in the agent state copies, if this isn't a perfect information game. if self.game_rule.private_information: delattr(gs_copy.deck, "cards") # Upcoming cards cannot be observed. for i in range(len(gs_copy.agents)): if gs_copy.agents[i].id != agent_index: for attr in self.game_rule.private_information: delattr(gs_copy.agents[i], attr) # Before updating the game, if this is the first move, allow the displayer an initial update. # This is used by some games to run simple pre-game animations. if action_counter == 0 and self.displayer is not None: self.displayer._DisplayState(self.game_rule.current_game_state) # If interactive mode, update displayer and obtain action via user input. if self.interactive and agent_index == 1: self.displayer._DisplayState(self.game_rule.current_game_state) selected = self.displayer.user_input(actions_copy) else: # If freedom is given to agents, let them return any action in any time period, at the risk of breaking # the simulation. This can be useful for debugging purposes. if FREEDOM: selected = agent.SelectAction(actions_copy, gs_copy, self.game_rule) else: # "Gamemaster" agent has an agent index equal to the number of player agents in the game. # If the gamemaster acts (e.g. to start or end a round in Azul), let it do so uninhibited. # Else, allow player agent to select action within a time limit. # - If it times out, display TimeOutWarning. # - If it returns an illegal move, display IllegalWarning. # - Illegal move checked by self.validaction(), if implemented by the game being run. # - Else, look for move in actions list by equality according to Python. # If this is the agent's first turn, allow warmup time. try: selected = func_timeout( ( WARMUP if action_counter < len(self.agents) else self.time_limit ), agent.SelectAction, args=(actions_copy, gs_copy, self.game_rule), ) except: selected = "timeout" if agent_index != self.game_rule.num_of_agent: if selected != "timeout": if self.valid_action: if not self.valid_action(selected, actions): selected = "illegal" elif not selected in actions: selected = "illegal" if selected in ["timeout", "illegal"]: self.warnings[agent_index] += 1 self.warning_positions.append((agent_index, action_counter)) if self.displayer is not None: if selected == "timeout": self.displayer.TimeOutWarning(self, agent_index) else: self.displayer.IllegalWarning(self, agent_index) selected = random.choice(actions) random.seed(self.seed_list[self.seed_idx]) self.seed_idx += 1 history["actions"].append( { action_counter: { "agent_id": self.game_rule.current_agent_index, "action": selected, } } ) action_counter += 1 self.game_rule.update(selected) random.seed(self.seed_list[self.seed_idx]) self.seed_idx += 1 if self.displayer is not None: self.displayer.ExcuteAction( agent_index, selected, self.game_rule.current_game_state ) if (agent_index != self.game_rule.num_of_agent) and ( self.warnings[agent_index] == self.warning_limit ): history = self._EndGame( self.game_rule.num_of_agent, history, isTimeOut=True, id=agent_index ) return history # Score agent bonuses return self._EndGame(self.game_rule.num_of_agent, history, isTimeOut=False)
[docs] class GameReplayer: def __init__(self, GameRule, replay, displayer=None): self.replay = replay self.seed = self.replay["seed"] random.seed(self.seed) self.seed_list = [random.randint(0, 1e10) for _ in range(1000)] self.seed_idx = 0 self.num_of_agent = self.replay["num_of_agent"] self.agents_namelist = replay["agents_namelist"] self.warning_limit = replay["warning_limit"] self.warnings = [0] * self.num_of_agent self.warning_positions = replay["warning_positions"] self.game_rule = GameRule(self.num_of_agent) self.scores = replay["scores"] self.displayer = displayer if self.displayer is not None: self.displayer.InitDisplayer(self)
[docs] def Run(self): for item in self.replay["actions"]: ((index, info),) = item.items() selected = info["action"] agent_index = info["agent_id"] self.game_rule.current_agent_index = agent_index random.seed(self.seed_list[self.seed_idx]) self.seed_idx += 1 self.game_rule.update(selected) random.seed(self.seed_list[self.seed_idx]) self.seed_idx += 1 if self.displayer is not None: if (agent_index, index) in self.warning_positions: self.warnings[agent_index] += 1 self.displayer.TimeOutWarning(self, agent_index) self.displayer.ExcuteAction( agent_index, selected, self.game_rule.current_game_state ) if self.displayer is not None: self.displayer.EndGame(self.game_rule.current_game_state, self.scores)